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60 Eureka Drive
Pacifica, CA, 94044
United States

Steel Heart Dance is a dance studio dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing space where women can grow stronger, feel sexier, and learn more about themselves and the sensual movement that will empower them. We offer ongoing pole dance classes, workshops, and opportunities for choreographers, instructors, and students to work independently in the studio. We also host parties and events. Our goal is to create a community where dancers, students, and instructors, work together to promote and support sensual movement, the pole dance arts, and female empowerment. We look forward to dancing with you!


Parties at SHD

Come have a blast at a pole party!

Parties at Steel Heart Dance are a great way to have fun with your friends and get a taste of the movement and community we love. We can customize a party for your birthday, a bachelorette, just for fun...really, for anything you want! The basic structure of our parties is:

--A sensual, grounding warm-up

--A chance to learn a few pole tricks

--Time to play with choreography, lap dancing, floor moves, and/or pole flow


Parties are $350 for up to ten people; additional attendees are $35 each. We require a $150 check deposit delivered to us at least two weeks before your party date. You may add an additional half-hour to the end of your party--for snacks and chatting--for $50.

If you bring food, you may eat it in the front area of our studio. NO ALCOHOL is allowed at a party at Steel Heart Dance! Drinking before, during, and/or immediately after your party is dangerous and we cannot be held liable for any injuries or accidents due to alcohol consumption. **WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL YOUR PARTY WITH NO PAYMENT RETURNED TO YOU IF WE SUSPECT ANYONE IN YOUR PARTY IS INEBRIATED!**

To book a party, please CONTACT US!